Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
What is the EFMP?
The EFMP is a program offered by each service to support families with special medical and educational needs throughout the service member’s career. Family members should enroll in EFMP when a qualifying condition is diagnosed. Each branch has its own EFMP and enrollment process.
EFMP family support services are also available at your installation. The family support services team is your main point of contact for EFMP information.
They can connect you with:
- Military Support Services and Resources
- Community Support Services and Resources
The family support services team can also answer specific EFMP questions based on your branch or installation.
For additional information on the Exceptional Family Member Program processes and requirements, please visit the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) EFMP site.
SOUTHCOM Army Health Clinic Only Enrolls Army Service Members into EFMP
For Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard EFMP, Contact: Ms. Galya J. Taborn at galya.j.taborn2.civ@mail.mil Phone 904-542-7348 Fax 904-542-4125
For Air Force and Space Force EFMP, Contact: Ms. Leigh Stout at leigh.r.stout.civ@mail.mil Phone 321-494-8546 or Ms. Martha Fay at martha.k.fay.ctr@mail.mil Phone 321-494-6493
Army EFMP Coverage Area

To find points of contact for other EFMP offices, please click here.
Army EFMP Submissions
1. Download and review DD Form 2792 (Family Member Medical Summary, Jan 2021) from the
DOD Forms Management Program. Servicemembers may also require a DD Form 2792-1 (Early Intervention / Special Education Summary, Jan 2021) if their children require additional educational considerations.
2. Fill out the DD Form 2792 by following the example form linked
here. Yellow boxes should be filled out by the servicemember, blue boxes should be filled out by the provider, and our EFMP staff will fill out the red boxes. Please note that the yellow boxes 9. and 9a. should be filled out
after the provider has completed their portion, as signing indicates the servicemember certifies the providers assessment.
3. Once all yellow and blue boxes have been completed by the patient and the provider, e-mail your form to
4. SOUTHCOM EFMP Staff will acknowledge your e-mail and begin processing your packet. They will inform you of any additional requirements.
Military One Source
Visit the
Special Needs Consultations page on
Military One Source for more information about the EFMP.